Gay men wrestling scissorhead

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Madonna led the tributes following the death of her Desperately Seeking Susan co-star Mark Blum, 69, who played Rosanna Arquette's on-screen husband Gary Glass, describing him as 'a remarkable human' and saying his death served as 'another reminder that this virus is no joke'.

He was a lung cancer survivor who lived with chronic inflammatory lung disease, and was among several stars who died with coronavirus towards the start of the pandemic. The 81-year-old, whose career spanned six decades, wrote shows including Kiss Of The Spider Woman, Ragtime, and Frankie And Johnny In The Clair De Lune. The award-winning Terrence McNally was widely considered one of America's great playwrights.Īn openly gay writer, he put same-sex relationships under the microscope with witty plays and musicals delving into how people connect - or fail to.

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